Academic Tutoring
Supporting you to achieve your academic potential

Academic tutoring can take a range of forms. For some it can be having an expert to help you to understand the topics that you are being taught. For example, how cells divide or academic skills such as how to do calculus. For others it can be support with writing essays or research reports. Whatever you need help with, our experts are on hand to support you.

Our Academic
Tutoring Services

Academic tutors can help students with specific assignments – whether that be essays or reports. This can be helping with content, analysis, structure or writing style, or simply proof reading a piece of work. Tutors can also help you with application forms for College, University and Postgraduate courses. This includes UCAS applications.

Having an expert that can work one to one with you in a setting where you can ask questions and get personal feedback can be helpful for many students.
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Our promise to you:

Knowledge Exchange is at the heart of activities undertaken by The Arke. We believe academic tutoring is a vital way to communicate expert knowledge with the wider population. Our values guarantee a high standard service.
Here are some examples of our tutors below and the subjects that they are able to tutor:

Still not sure? We'll help!

Have a question or need academic guidance for your business?

Get in touch with Dr Tim Wallach

Get in touch with Dr Emma Sutton

Get in touch with Dr Maria Michail

Get in touch with Dr Dawn England

Get in touch with Dr Anthony Murphy

Get in touch with Dr Fazeelat Duran

Get in touch with Dr Thomas Faherty

Get in touch with Dr Ali Khatibi

Get in touch with Dr Rebecca Hughes

Get in touch with Dr Paris Laloisus

Get in touch with Dr Benjamin Philip Crossey

Get in touch with Prof Jon Catling

Get in touch with Dr Paul Pope

Get in touch with Dr Artur Brzozowski