Our Mission

To help the best Academic Experts share their knowledge to the rest of the world, since 2023.

Our Core Values

Excellence, transparency, and integrity are at the core of our values. We are committed to upholding these principles in every aspect of our operations, ensuring that both clients and experts have a trusted partnership. The Arke is a gateway to a world of knowledge.

Expertise and Quality: PhD-Level Insights at Your Fingertips

The Arke excels in academic consultancy due to our commitment to expertise and quality. Every expert holds a PhD, guaranteeing clients high-level guidance and insights.

Our policy ensures clients engage with top-tier professionals for individual research, academic guidance, or complex business inquiries, offering unparalleled knowledge and experience.
Arke offers tailored consultancy services addressing diverse business needs. We connect businesses with the most suitable experts to aid in research, product development, and process improvement.

Our approach is collaborative and focused on delivering practical, innovative solutions applicable to your business needs.

Business Consultancy Services: Tailored Advice for Business Success

Integrity Always Comes First

Integrity always comes first for us. Client and expert experience come before profits.

We are completely transparent with both clients and experts in respect to costs and charges – there will never be any surprises for you.

Want to chat with us?

The Arke is a gateway to a world of knowledge, offering unparalleled expertise, transparent practices, and customised solutions for both individuals and businesses.
We are a small group of academics and entrepreneurs based in the West Midlands that wanted to both help others on their research journeys and also enable our colleagues within academia to share the knowledge and experience that they have in a novel but simple way.

Get in touch with Dr Tim Wallach

Get in touch with Dr Emma Sutton

Get in touch with Dr Maria Michail

Get in touch with Dr Dawn England

Get in touch with Dr Anthony Murphy

Get in touch with Dr Fazeelat Duran

Get in touch with Dr Thomas Faherty

Get in touch with Dr Ali Khatibi

Get in touch with Dr Rebecca Hughes

Get in touch with Dr Paris Laloisus

Get in touch with Dr Benjamin Philip Crossey

Get in touch with Prof Jon Catling

Get in touch with Dr Paul Pope

Get in touch with Dr Artur Brzozowski